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Well ... Blog 6.0 Beta 3 is out :-) I actually uploaded the build to the server a couple of days ago but didn't have the time to do an update to the site to let everybody know about it. This is basically a build to add image support in Client mode and to handle those attached images in Server mode as well as a few other fixes. I also added a fix for the decimal point problem with floating point numbers when using the version number that one of the Spanish users found - they use a comma instead of a decimal point and so that creates problems in international versions of Windows. This should hopefully be the final release of 6.0 but I wanted to make certain before declaring it so since I've made a few changes that need to be proven in action :p I'm probably going to be a bit late for work today since I need to go get some stuff cleared from customs. The "stuff" I'm talking about is basically some beta software from Microsoft - one of their SDK's for mobile solution developers. They sent it to me for free since I signed up for one of their beta programs but guess what? Sri Lankan customs want to charge me Rs. 8000+ since they claim that the stated value is lower than it should be! I inquired around and was told that a lot of people are bringing software into the country with very low stated values and hence this tightening down on all and sundry. Unfortunately, since these people seem to know nothing at all about the contents except the word software, I guess I might be in for a tough time. I was told to write a letter to the director of customs explaining the situation and I hope to go there and get it sorted out but if it turns out that I need to pay, I'm going to tell them to keep the software!posted at 06:34:56 AM link comment
Well ... we went to Kurunegala and had to wait around pretty much the whole day for the finger printing team to arrive. The police had already been there once but they'd said that they'd come back with the fingerprinting team to take a statement. Turns out that there is only one fingerprint team for 30 police stations and that team consists of only two people! So they didn't get there till we were almost ready to leave and of course, once they'd dusted for prints it turned out that the thieves had worn gloves :p I guess while the police are less-than-efficient over here, the thieves are becoming extra-efficient since the lot who robbed our Colombo house wore gloves too. Anyway, the upshot was that the police will not have any way to catch the criminals ... not that they would have with fingerprints but at least then they could have fingered - pun intended <g> - anybody who was brought in on suspicion. Now the only thing that can happen is if they catch them with the goods and that's really a long shot ... Obviously I didn't get any coding done yesterday since we didn't get back till past 8 o'clock at night. Maybe today I could do the release of Blog 6.0 Beta 3 and get on with PostMan but then again, maybe not :p I still am not in the mood for that discussion of Raymond E. Feist's writing that I was going to get into - not that I'm really sure that anybody is that interested in it anyway :p - but probably some time soon since I've been reading a lot of his works in succession and I like to discuss things when they are fresh in my mind ...posted at 06:10:03 AM link comment
The Farook family saga continues - there was a call from my brother who was staying at our other house in Kurunegala saying that the house had been robbed while he slept :-( That house is kind of sparsely furnished since we are still in the process of building it and my parents had just come back from Kurunegala yesterday and my brother was supposed to leave in the morning for work. He'd woken up, got dressed and had seen that his shoes were missing and so gone looking and had realized that the whole house, except for the room that he'd been in, had been cleaned out! Well, not totally cleaned out since they left the heavy stuff like furniture but took almost everything else of value that could be carried. I don't know whether it is some sort of a jinx following our family (since this is the second robbery in less than six months ...) or just plain coincidence. Anyway, I'll probably not go to work today since I'll have to accompany my mother to Kurunegala to see what's up ... I didn't do much coding over the weekend since I was too busy reading. I was going to write a bit about what I was reading (Raymond E. Feist - but that's rather who ...) but won't have the time now because of the robbery and stuff. Maybe tomorrow ... I was also going to do a release of Blog 6.0 Beta 3 today since I've finished doing all the bug fixes that I was told of as well as completing the feature set that I wanted for this release but even that will have to wait now ... Of course, the good thing is that I'm already eager to get to work on Blog 7.0 - the major feature? Built-in comments along the same lines as Blog Client mode - to be e-mailed in and collated into Blog :-) Of course, I really need to finish work on PostMan before I start work on that but you never know with me ...posted at 07:13:30 AM link comment |
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Copyright (c) 2001 Fahim A. Farook