Mount Typhoon
Number |
Note |
1 |
130 G |
2 |
130 G |
3 |
130 G |
4 |
Mana Egg |
5 |
390 G |
6 |
Mushroom Shield : +9 defense +1 plague resistance |
7 |
Move Mushroom : +3 action for a range of friends |
8 |
130 G |
B |
Map View |
North |
Mt. Typhoon Peak |
South |
World Map |
- The water in the streams and lakes (the green stuff) is poisonous.
Your party members will lose HP if you make them get in the water. Use
the mushrooms to cross water.
- The map above isn't for flat terrain. You'll have to climb to higher
ground - usually via handily placed mushrooms.